My journey down this path of a home-based business has been a long awaited dream. I always knew that I had more to contribute, and my skills were being under-utilized; I was destined to have more control. Today, I operate a successful home-based business and can now control the quality of my products, the communication and nearly every other aspect of the process. My goal has always been to deliver a better product, at a faster pace, with a competitive price.
All my products are hand selected for quality and purchase in bulk to keep costs low. Every item is checked to ensure the best quality before any customization occurs. The personalization process is hand done in house with a high level of attention to detail. Being my own worst critic ensures the products are at the highest quality. If I am not happy with the finished product I should not expect my customers to be.
Many of my designs and ideas come from the inspiration of my four “lovely children”. Although many have come to enjoy my products in a variety of ways most my customers are moms. Being an experienced one myself I feel we are a tough group that is always looking for ways to milestone our life achievements. My kids are my everything (the husband is OK too) and I would do anything to see them smile or give them a gift they won’t see on a store shelf. A slice of home, a lifetime keepsake, or a token of appreciation goes a long way and they are everlasting memories that we grow to cherish.
Thank you for your time today reading about me, my family and my dream. My family and I appreciate your support and I look forward to a long lasting relationship with each and every one of you. I strive and absolute cherish getting to know my customers and their loved ones, especially their littles! Please enjoy all I have to offer and don’t hesitate to provide honest feedback to ensure I keep my goals intact.
A division of Captive Designs Inc.
A Canadian Company